AFLYST | Keeping it Clean – New cleaning and hygiene solutions

Hygiejnebrud i life science-industrien fører til spildte ressourcer, især hvis de opdages sent. Tilsvarende er rengøringsprocesser i forbindelse med normal produktion ressourcekrævende. Deltag på dette event og hør om innovative løsninger og samarbejdsmuligheder.

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Løsninger, der kan bidrage til mere bæredygtige rengøringsregimer og bedre vedligeholdelse af hygiejnen, er vigtige at have for øje, når du vil optimere din produktion.

Vær med på dette arrangement og se innovative tilgange inden for hygiejnevedligeholdelse, hør ekspertoplæg og deltag i diskussioner om løsninger og samarbejdsmuligheder.

Arrangementet er på engelsk.


14.00 Registrering

14.30 Velkommen
v. Roskilde University

14.35 Præsentation af Helix Lab
v. Anette Birck, Director, Helix Lab

14.40 Oplæg: Cleaning In Place: How difficult can it be?
v. professor Serafim Bakalis, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen

Cleaning in place is a common-place operation. This presentation will try to go through the underpinning scientific gaps and recent scientific breakthroughs. Knowledge developed through home and personal care applications will be discussed as well as ways that this can be transferred to applications in manufacturing.

15.10 Oplæg: Metrology in critical environments

v. Dr. Aslan Hüsnü, Head of Nanometrology, DFM – Danish National Metrology Institute

Critical environments such as cleanrooms and aseptic lines in food, semiconductor, and pharma industries have no room for error. Ensuring operational quality, security and compliance in these environments is addressed by metrology – primarily of particles and surfaces. In this talk, latest developments and innovations in particle and surface metrology for critical environments will be covered.

15.40 Kaffe, kage og networking

16.00 Oplæg: Hygienic performance of materials – an industrial approach
v. Natacha Holmud, Consultant, Center for Hygienic Design, FORCE Technology.

Hygienic performance of surfaces in production environments are needed now more than ever, with current demands for increased sustainability, to ensure safety and quality of products, whether food or pharma. With focus on the needs of the industry, multiple methods to evaluate cleanability and functionality of a given surface is developed, and most lately also including tests to investigate effectiveness of different types of cleaning products and agents. Many of these methods are based on knowledge from European Hygienic Design and Engineering Group (EHEDG), who recently released a new open test method to evaluate cleanability of e.g. robotic components.

16.30 Forfriskninger og networking

Arrangementet er medfinansieret af Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen.

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