New report shows that partnerships can change the healthcare sector

According to actors from both the public health sector and private companies, the answer to maintaining the level of health in Denmark and meeting the life science strategy goals is binding partnerships across the public and private sectors. A new evaluation from Lighthouse Life Science shows the benefits of public-private collaboration – and provides a number of recommendations for achieving the potential for growth and better health.
The life science sector in Denmark must contribute to freeing up 10,000 full-time equivalents in the healthcare system by 2030, according to the Life Science Council. This will be done through the development, implementation, and scaling of effective and labour-freeing healthcare solutions.
And these kinds of solutions can only be created when we work together to become focused on the challenges and competencies that will solve them. This is shown in a new report from Lighthouse Life Science (link to come) – and the assertion is backed up by, among others, former deputy director at Rigshospitalet and current executive vice president of Region Zealand, Martin Magelund Rasmussen.
“In Denmark, we have a long tradition of collaborating across the public and private sectors, but it is time for us to take it to a new level. We must join forces in long-term, strategic partnerships, where we do not just focus on a concrete solution, but where the focus is on long-term impact, including contributing to a sustainable healthcare system, says Martin Magelund Rasmussen.
He elaborates:
“In popular terms, we need to go from creating projects to now co-create with common goals and with far more open books than we are used to,” says Martin Magelund Rasmussen.
Report presented in Brussels
Lighthouse Life Science is now ready with an evaluation that will inspire collaboration in strategic partnerships. The evaluation will help transform the health sector and make the partnerships even more effective.
Read and download the report here – Learnings of the Danish Lighthouse Life Science
Read and download slideshow-version
The evaluation will be presented at a Collaborative event in Brussels in late January 2025.
Lighthouse Life Science has been initiated with a clear mission to promote innovation through partnerships with several stakeholders from industry, the public health sector, knowledge institutions, civil organizations, and others.
Lighthouse Life Science develops knowledge and evidence-based solutions for major societal challenges such as obesity and mental health issues. The goal is to ensure better health solutions for everyone and to increase growth in Danish companies.
The topics of the new evaluation are:
- Evaluation of the collaboration platform – Technological solutions and social communities support the development of sustainable health initiatives.
- Evaluation of the pilot projects – Collaboration between public and private actors is of great importance for the success of the projects.
- Evaluation of the growth potential – If the growth potential is to be fully realized, there is a need for longer processes for implementation.
Experienced actors will spread knowledge about partnerships
In addition to Martin Magelund Rasmussen, several other experienced actors from both the public and private sectors are involved in spreading the partnership model in Lighthouse Life Science under the theme ‘Transforming health with partnerships’.
Meet e.g.
- Thomas Alslev, Senior Vice President, Novo Nordisk Foundation
- Julie Brooker, Country Director, Denmark, Johnson & Johnson
- Maria Kristiansen, professor at the University of Copenhagen
- Carolyn Bennett, Canadian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark
- Diana Arsovic, CEO of Danish Life Science Cluster, which is the driving neutral platform in Lighthouse Life Science
When people with different skills and backgrounds look toward the same goal
The overall goal of Julie Enevold Brooker, Country Manager at Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine, is to create improved treatment for patients and a stronger healthcare system.
She says the following about partnerships:
“The beauty of partnerships is that people with different skills and backgrounds are looking towards the same goal. So when we from the industry collaborate in a trust-based, long-term partnership, we become more open to each other’s knowledge and experience in a constellation where our strengths across the public and private sectors come into play best. Therefore, partnerships can help create a better healthcare system with more adapted services for patients, explains Julie Enevold Brooker.
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For more information contact Diana Arsovic Nielsen,
The Lighthouse Life Science is co-financed by the European Union.