Apply for funding: Innovation programme – a knowledge bridge project funded by the Danish Agency of Higher Education and Science (UFS)

In the Innovation Program, we build bridges between companies and knowledge institutions. Here, companies, RTOs (Research and Technology Organisations), university colleges, and other knowledge institutions can apply for funding that helps to translate specialized knowledge into new ideas. The project aims to strengthen innovation and growth potential through collaboration between knowledge institutions and companies.

In the Innovation Program, we build bridges of knowledge between national and international research, knowledge and education institutions, government approved Research and Technology Organisations, and companies to promote research collaborations and innovation.

Funding can be applied for from the pools for the project’s three main activities:

  • Pool 1: Knowledge dissemination activities, e.g. network meetings, symposia, and workshops
  • Pool 2: Collaborative projects (also called knowledge bridge projects) between companies and Danish researchers
  • Pool 3: Employment of ‘bridge builders’ at Danish research institutions. The primary task of the Bridge Builders is to facilitate new collaborations with Danish life science companies

Who can apply?

Pool 1 – Knowledge dissemination activity

The pool can be applied for by RTOs and university colleges.
The funds are to be used to carry out knowledge dissemination activities (cf. the guidelines from the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science), which create value for companies. At the same time, these knowledge-sharing activities can also form the basis for future collaborative projects.

Application deadline:


Send an application for knowledge dissemination activities

See granted projects for pool 1 here

Pool 2 – Knowledge Bridge Projects

The pool can be applied for by a consortium consisting of at least one knowledge institution and two companies (of which at least one must be an SME).
The purpose of the collaborative projects is to boost research and technology development in companies within the subject of personal health. The funds go exclusively to the knowledge institutions.

Application deadline:


See the granted projects here:

September 2022

February 2023

June 2023

October 2023

We treat all applications confidentially. However, it is important to note that in some cases, external evaluation is used. This is done solely to ensure an objective assessment of the applications.

Pool 3 – Knowledge bridge employees

The pool will be used for part-time employment of ‘bridge builders’ at knowledge partners. The purpose is to build bridges between knowledge institutions and companies through value-creating knowledge bridge activities.

pil til læs mereRead more: Companies in the Danish Life Science Cluster have direct access to researchers and test facilities

The five knowledge bridge employees in the Danish Life Science Cluster are:

  • SDU – University of Southern Denmark: Susan Nøttrup,
  • AU – Aarhus University: Jesper Friis Mortensen,
  • RUC – Roskilde University Centre: Lise Philipsen,
  • DTU and KU – Technical University of Denmark and University of Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen: Signe Ulrik Holm,
  • AAU – Aalborg University: Anne Schüsler Dethlefsen,

Purpose of the Innovation Program

Through the three main activities, the dissemination and knowledge sharing of new research and collaborations across knowledge institutions and companies are strengthened. At the same time, the funds help to promote growth and productivity in the business sector. This is done through the supply of new knowledge and support for development and innovation through knowledge collaborations between Danish companies – especially small and medium-sized enterprises – and the knowledge institutions involved.

The project’s value proposition

On the basis of the funds allocated, further collaborative projects are expected to arise and develop into larger and more in-depth projects in the long term. Furthermore, the companies involved are expected to achieve a knowledge boost and increased innovation power, which leads to improved competitiveness and thereby increased growth.