Declaration of consent to use images from events

Danish Life Science Cluster uses images and videos from its own events in print and digital media. Participants give us permission to use the images when registering.

Danish Life Science Cluster publishes images and videos from its own events and activities in print and digital media. Through images and videos, we share the network’s good stories and information about upcoming events and activities. 

The publication of images on the internet of recognizable persons is covered by the rules of the Danish Data Protection Act. 

The Danish Data Protection Agency distinguishes between two types of images: 

Situational images are intended to show an activity or situation. For example, participants at a conference or networking event. Situational images can be published without the consent of the people in the image. However, this does not apply if a person may feel exposed, exploited or violated, for example when the image is used for marketing. 

Portraits are intended to show one or more people, not the situation or activity. For example, a speaker at an event. As a general rule, consent is required to publish a portrait. 


Danish Life Science Cluster only publishes harmless images of people. The decisive criterion for publication is that the people depicted must not reasonably be able to feel exposed, exploited or offended from a normal point of view. 

Participants at Danish Life Science Cluster events give permission by registering that Danish Life Science Cluster may publish pictures and videos from the event they are at. It is stated at registration that the participant consents to Danish Life Science Cluster using images from the event. If a participant wishes to have a published image removed, they can contact Danish Life Science Cluster and the image will be removed from the internet to the possible extent. 

Presenters at Danish Life Science Cluster events consent to the publication of images and videos where they are in, along with their name, title and organisation. Consent may be withdrawn at any time by contacting the Danish Life Science Cluster. 

Danish Life Science Cluster’s personal data policy