Health go Green (Startup Aarhus Townhall pre-event)

Interested in the green transition in healthcare and want to create change for the better. If so you are invited to join us at the Health go Green event which gathers stakeholders from different sectors and industries to explore the ecosystem, foster innovative ideas and create collaborations.

The Nordic Council of Ministers (Nordisk Ministerråd) has set sails towards a greener future. The vision is to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030 which positions the Nordic countries in the forefront of work on sustainable development. This includes the health and care sector. Danish Regions and municipalities are unfolding the transition by demanding and buying sustainable health and care solutions.

As a direct consequence private companies in the healthcare industry are required to adjust and rethink their solutions in order to meet the new sustainable requirements. This opens the door for entrepreneurs and innovators to challenge the existing ways in health and care. At Health go Green we will bring intersectional stakeholders to the table to explore the ecosystem, discuss the potentials, foster innovative ideas and create new collaborations.

Among others you can meet:

  • Maria Gaden, Leder, Center for Bæredygtige Hospitaler
  • Mikkel Svindt Fransgaard, Teknologikonsulent og projektleder, DokkX
  • Katrine Gybel, Director and Katrine Geipel Manager, KPMG Danmark
  • Stine Holmgang, chef for Indkøb og Udbud i Aarhus Kommune
  • Jesper Juel-Helvig, adm. direktør Nordic Health Lab.
  • Peter W. Astrup, centerleder Test- og udviklingscenter for Velfærdsteknologi – TUCV
  • Nanna Holt Jessen, læge og forsker, Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis, Grøn Praksis
  • Henrik Løvig, CEO Enversion A/S

Sign up if you want to explore the sustainable potentials in health and care.

The event will be held in English.


12:30-13:00 Registration

13:00-13:10 Welcome & Program, Facilitator Sussi Bianco, GUIDEN.

13:10-13:50 Scoping the Health go Green challenge (TBA)

  • Maria Gaden, Leder, Center for Bæredygtige Hospitaler
  • Henrik Løvig, CEO Enversion A/S

13:50-14:00 Coffee break and networking

14:00-15:00 Roundtables discussions exploring how the intersectorial ecosystem can collaborate on positioning Denmark (and the Nordics) as pioneers within green health transition.

15:00-15:15 Coffee break and networking

15:15-15:40 Roundtables: Sum up and sharing insights 15:40-15:50 Call for actions

15:50:16:00 Closing remarks

16:00-16:30 Informal networking if you’re not busy

Please note that this event is not a part of the official Startup Aarhus Townhall program. Remember to register for Startup Aarhus Townhall here. Tickets sell out fast. You are more than welcome to participate in the pre-event even though you are not joining Startup Aarhus Townhall. Startup Aarhus Townhall will be held at another venue.