Feedback and matchmaking to enhance collaboration
At Danish Life Science Cluster, you will get feedback on ideas, development projects, plans, and challenges as a member.
At Danish Life Science Cluster you can get feedback on ideas, development projects, plans and challenges. You have the opportunity to connect with companies, researchers, clinicians and caregivers with specific skills. We have a large network and know our members so we can guide you in the direction that benefits you.
Feedback can e.g. include:
- What do you need right now in your product development? More knowledge, other skills, new partners, access to test facilities or perhaps market knowledge?
- How do you find the right solutions among the many small and large providers within life science and welfare technology?
- How do you find the right entrance to a hospital or municipality?
- Does your educational or research institution need closer collaboration with selected companies or public organisations?
- Suitable funding and funding opportunities?
- Input to international cooperation and new markets?
We also run OPIguide, which contains tools and cases for innovation collaboration between companies, public parties and knowledge institutions. If you want to know more about how we work with feedback and matching, please send us an e-mail.