Sundhendsteknologisk ServiceProgram – SSP (Technological Health Service Program)

SSP supports projects that develop new innovative commercial concepts in the form of health technology services or products that are caused by concrete needs and knowledge of the market and customers. 

Sundhedsteknologisk ServiceProgram (SSP) has been driven by Life Science Innovation (LSI) from 2017-2020 in the North Denmark Region with funding from the Danish Regional Business Policy. The program has put business development at the center by linking business with public needs and knowledge from relevant regional knowledge institutions, including Aalborg University, University College of Northen Denmark (UCN) and SOSU Nord (Social and health care training program), in new innovative collaborations. 

By the end of 2021, the SSP received a supplementary grant, valid for 2022, with the aim of making the effort nationwide by continuing the activities of Danish Life Science Cluster. 

There are currently no more funds in the pool, and therefore no further application deadlines in 2022. You are welcome to contact Bo Christensen at for further information about other relevant project opportunities.

How to include new projects in the SSP program. 

To be considered for the SSP program, a project must: 

  • Aim to develop new innovative commercial concepts in terms of services or products 
  • Be driven by concrete needs, as well as knowledge of the market and customers 
  • Have an output in terms of a concept, such as a prototype, mock-up, drawing or plan.   

The project should be organized in consortia, consisting of at least 2 SMEs, a public or public-like knowledge institution with expertise in the specific technology/knowledge, and preferably a potential customer. 

  • The project provides funding for the partners’ project work based on actual salaries. The reimbursement rate is 45%. 
  • Danish Life Science Cluster assists with matchmaking in connection with the formation of the consortium, budgeting and more. 
  • There is no ceiling on the budget, but the requirement is that the funds are spent before the end of 2022. 

The project can focus on any phase of the development cycle, but priority is given to products or concepts with a short time-to-market.