EXCELIVING FINAL CONFERENCE – Co-creating Excellent Living Environments

Useful resources for companies and entities of the habitat value chain! In this online session we will present useful information, resources and results for companies and other entities of the European habitat value chain interested in co-creation of healthy, age-friendly and sustainable living spaces.

These resources are the result of the joint work developed by 5 European clusters (AMBIT – Living Spaces Cluster, SMARTECH Cluster, Transylvanian Furniture Cluster, Cluster Habitat Sustentável and Danish Life Science Cluster) over the last two years collaboratively with companies and entities from their ecosystems.

10:30 Welcome and agenda

Julio Rodrigo – AMBIT – Living Spaces Cluster

10:40 Mapping Study on the Healthy Living Habitat ecosystem

Victor Ferreira – Cluster Habitat Sustentável

10:50 Capacity Building Programme – Empowering Cluster Members through Skill Enhancement

Agustí Padrós – SMARTECH Cluster

10:55 EXCELIVING Training Programme – initiative to enhance competitiveness and internationalisation opportunities for SMEs

Nanna Broch Mortensen – Danish Life Science Cluster

11:05 EXCELIVING Helpdesk – Open Innovation Platform and meeting point for professionals and entities of the habitat value chain interested in innovation and co-creation

Julio Rodrigo – AMBIT – Living Spaces Cluster

11:10 New and redefined services – How do clusters ensure excellent services that addresses their members’ main challenges and needs?

Nanna Broch Mortensen – Danish Life Science Cluster

11:20 Visiting and discovering European ecosystems in the habitat value chain

Julio Rodrigo – AMBIT – Living Spaces Cluster

11:25 Reflecting on lessons learned and shaping the future of the EXCELIVING Partnership

Andreea Toma & Andreea Laszlo – Transylvanian Furniture Cluster

10:35 Q&A

Moderated by: Nanna Broch Mortensen – Danish Life Science Cluster

12:00 End of the session


The EXCELIVING project focuses on habitats via cross-sectoral dimensions: home automation, welfare technology, lighting, furniture and building materials. In this way, EXCELIVING promotes a holistic perspective on habitat value chains, focusing on elements that have a direct impact on the promotion of healthy, age-friendly and sustainable environments. Read more about EXCELIVING here.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s COSME program under Grant Agreement no. 101037887. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union.