How can artificial intelligence deliver decision support in future elderly care?

Mød førende forskere og virksomheder på tværs af den dansk-tyske grænse. Lær om fremtidens behov for ældrepleje, som fagfolk fra ældreplejen i 15 danske kommuner har formuleret (svarende til mere end 1/3 af den danske befolkning). Og vær med til at samskabe “use cases” baseret på den nyeste viden om kunstig intelligens og digitale teknologier.

This event will be in English.

Get in touch with significant research and companies across the Danish-German border. Learn about the future needs of elderly care generated by visionary professionals from the elderly care sector of 15 municipalities in Denmark (corresponding to more than 1/3rd of the Danish population), and co-create use cases based on “best man’s best knowledge” about the newest technologies.

Contribute to designing a future where qualified artificial intelligence (AI) is used for decision-making in the elderly care sector. At a workshop, you will unfold use cases responding to the future needs and challenges identified by visionary professionals from Danish municipalities. Better use of digital data can potentially qualify workflows and decision-making processes in ​​ elderly care. E.g., how can digital data predict future care needs and needs for assistive devices to contribute to timely planning labour and budget? Can artificial intelligence make early detection more effective and offer professional decision support for timely intervention? 

Your benefit of the day is inspiration, insight and knowledge sharing with colleagues from other universities and companies. Together, you will create use cases that give insights into new potential business areas and visionary competitive solutions for the elderly care sector severely challenged by a rapidly growing number of elderly people and a decreasing number of care professionals.

The use cases will be included as a basis for the development of a 4-year Danish-German Interreg project (Care AI), which will precisely aim to focus on how to use artificial intelligence in the elderly care sector from 2025 to 2030.

The workshop is part of Care-AI funded by Interreg Deutschland-Danmark with funds from the European Regional Development Fund. Read more about Interreg Deutschland-Denmark at