Webinar: Diversity & Inclusion – why D&I is essential for SMEs

Working with Diversity & Inclusion can help you retain and attract employees and essentially create a better performing company on many parameters. Join this webinar to lern more about how you create a diverse and inclusive workplace.
Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) is linked to organisational excellence and innovative, high-performing teams. But what does it all mean? How do you actually go about working with D&I to achieve the outperformance that McKinsey has now documented many times over the years?
We will dive further into that on this webinar, where we will not only get an introduction to the basics of D&I, hereunder also unconscious bias but also get tips and tricks on what you should do long term to implement D&I in your organisation and what you can start already tomorrow.
Learn about
- What are the basics of D&I ?
- How do you implement D&I in your organisation?
- What does it take to get started – tomorrow?
Meet the expert
Helene Aagaard is a passionate leader with 15 years of experience in strategy, communication, organisational development, sustainability, and stakeholder management from Ørsted and A.P. Møller – Maersk. Specialised in politics, strategic communication and leadership in companies and organisations working across sectors and thus with many different stakeholders.
For almost four years, she has led Diversity Factor, a management consultancy agency focused on creating inclusive working environments where everyone thrives.
Helene is also “someone’s daughter, mentor, mother, mentee and friend, a feminist, social-liberal, regular Roskilde music festival guest, avid book reader, travel maniac, and a great fan of Burgundy and Brunello wines and cookies.
12:30 Welcome by Nanna Broch Mortensen, Project Manager, Danish Life Science Cluster
12:35 Learning to lead complexity – the why, how and what of D&I by Helene Aagaard, CEO, Diversity Factor
13:15 Open discussion about DEI by Agustí Padrós, Project Manager, Smartech Cluster
13:30 Thank you for joining – see you next time
This webinar is in English.
A webinar series for SMEs with an international outlook
This webinar is part of the EXCELIVING training programme, which focuses on the knowledge and training needs of SMEs and other cluster members. Through 10 free webinars, you can gain knowledge and inspiration on topics within digitalisation, advanced technologies, management, sustainability and internationalisation.
You can participate in one or more webinars. All webinars can be viewed independently.
Also watch
Recordings from previous webinars on EXCELIVING Helpdesk
The EXCELIVING project focuses on habitats via cross-sectoral dimensions: home automation, welfare technology, lighting, furniture and building materials. In this way, EXCELIVING promotes a holistic perspective on habitat value chains, focusing on elements that have a direct impact on the promotion of healthy, age-friendly and sustainable environments. Read more about EXCELIVING here.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s COSME program under Grant Agreement no. 101037887. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.