Webinar: Circular Business Models

Circular business models are the key to creating a sustainable, competitive, and future-ready company. Join this webinar to learn how to start transforming your organisation’s business model.

Going from a linear business model to a circular business model might seem unmanageable, but it is a necessity to start the process to keep your company ahead of the changes in the world, and to meet the demands that potentially will grow bigger the coming years.

In this webinar, you will be presented with the importance of exploring business models aligned with circular economy principles, alongside with examples from the habitat sector and lessons learnt from the speaker’s experience of working with nearly 100 companies in the wider field of circular economy. Furthermore, you will learn about circular business models when put in the context of sustainability challenges, and their potential to capture and retain value and thus foster businesses sustainable competitiveness.

Learn about

  • Basics of circular business models from a sustainability perspective
  • Potential for better sustainable competitiveness
  • Concrete examples and experiences with circular business models
  • How to get started with a circular business model

Meet the expert

Cristina Sousa Rocha is a senior researcher at LNEG – National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, coordinating the Circular Economy and Life Cycle Management for Sustainability Research Area. She has more than 30 years of experience in design for sustainability, sustainability management and circular economy. In 1998-1999 she was a guest researcher at the Design for Sustainability Program at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. MSc in Sanitary Engineering and Bachelor in Environmental Engineering by the New University of Lisbon.

In 2002, she publicly defended a dissertation equivalent to PhD, on environmental management and sustainable development at the level of organizations. Among several projects in her fields of expertise, she is currently the national coordinator of CIRCO Hub Portugal, a project dedicated to promote businesses through circular design, which has so far involved some 80 companies from different sectors and 30 designers.


13:00 Welcome by Nanna Broch Mortensen, Project Manager, Danish Life Science Cluster
13:05 Circular Business Models by Cristina Sousa Rocha, Researcher, LNEG – National Laboratory of Energy and Geology
13:45 Open discussion about Circular Business Models by Agustí Padrós, Project Manager, Smartech Cluster
14:00 Thank you for joining – see you next time

This webinar is in English.

A webinar series for SMEs with an international outlook

This webinar is part of the EXCELIVING training programme, which focuses on the knowledge and training needs of SMEs and other cluster members. Through 10 free webinars, you can gain knowledge and inspiration on topics within digitalisation, advanced technologies, management, sustainability and internationalisation.

You can participate in one or more webinars. All webinars can be viewed independently.

Also watch

Recordings from previous webinars on EXCELIVING Helpdesk



The EXCELIVING project focuses on habitats via cross-sectoral dimensions: home automation, welfare technology, lighting, furniture and building materials. In this way, EXCELIVING promotes a holistic perspective on habitat value chains, focusing on elements that have a direct impact on the promotion of healthy, age-friendly and sustainable environments. Read more about EXCELIVING here.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s COSME program under Grant Agreement no. 101037887. The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for the use that may be made of the information it contains.

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