Beyond Beta REACT

Beyond Beta is a top-level start-up program that prepares the next generation of entrepreneurs for rapid scale up and initial financing of their projects.

Beyond Beta is a top-level start-up program that prepares the next generation of entrepreneurs for rapid scale up and initial financing of their projects.

Denmark’s best start-up partners have joined forces to create “Beyond Beta REACT” – a start-up accelerator with support from  14 industry clusters, including Danish Life Science Cluster. Each start-up is offered a custom-tailored program to ensure the most optimal growth.

The project has multiple tracks to ensure that you, as a start-up, can choose the best option that suits your company’s development stage.

There are three tracks in the project, which you can learn more about below:

The Incubator Program

The Life Science Incubator Program is a free competence course that focuses on early idea development. Register for these four workshops if you have a solution to a health problem.

Anne-Marie Hall, who has many years of experience in both Life Science and “Storytelling”, prepares you to ask the right questions when presenting your idea to a group of experts who will steer you in the right direction. The Incubator Program ends with a joint exhibition stand at the yearly health conference, WHINN, where you present your idea to experts and participants and get concrete input to develop your business idea.

Register and read more about The Incubator Program here

The Accelerator Program

The Accelerator Program is designed for already-established start-ups. This course will provide you the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively scale- up your business.

“Accelerace”, a company that has helped 800+ companies, will guide you through a three-day work camp that combines masterclasses with in-depth workshops that allow you to immediately apply your newfound knowledge to your business. The program is divided into several phases, and at the end of each phase, only the most successful start-ups will advance to the subsequent phase.

Register and read more about The Accelerator Program here

The Regulatory Journey

The Regulatory Journey, provides you tools and insight into the regulations necessary to bring a medical product on the market, enabling you to plan your business case accordingly.

In collaboration with Lean Entries and Danish regulatory experts, Danish Life Science Cluster, Accelarace, and Symbion have developed a new regulatory service concept that enables you, as a start-up, to visualize your regulatory journey and refine your cost and time estimates for product completion and commercialization. In addition, you will participate in online training sessions and workshops, where you will be able to ask questions, and where experienced regulatory consultants will tailor your journey and provide concrete advice.

Register and read more about The Regulatory Journey here


  • Amazing Hall ApS
  • Accelerace
  • Symbion
  • Lean Entries
  • Labquality
  • Erhvervshus Hovedstaden
  • Danish Design Center
  • Danish Life Science Cluster
  • All Danish clusters and business environments

The project is co-funded by the European Union.