Brainnovation Day på Aarhus Universitet

Kom med på Brainnovation Day og vær med til at styrke dialogen og samarbejdet mellem industrien og Aarhus Universitet. I år sætter vi fokus på området for sensorer og vi beskæftiger os især med de mange udfordringer, der er forbundet med valg af teknologi, udnyttelse af ny viden, applikationer mm.

This event will be in English

The aim of the 9th Brainnovation day on “Sensors” is to significantly increase dialogue and collaboration between the industry and AU. This year we will address this specific theme in the Sensors field, in particular, the many challenges associated with choice of technology, exploitation of new knowledge, applications etc.

More information about the event

The primary focus of the meeting is on challenges and discussion of relevant problems. During the day, representatives from Aarhus University, Grundfos, Medicquant, Medtronic, Sulfilogger, Dianox, NanoNord will address the research and innovations taking place and describe some of the challenges they face.
During the breaks there will be time for networking and brainstorming.


08:30 – 09:00 Registration and coffee in iNANO foyer

09:00 – 09:05 Prof. Kim Daasbjerg, Chairman of the Business Committee of iNANO and Dept. of Chemistry:



09:05 – 09:25 Professor Kurt Vesterager Gothelf (iNANO/Chem, AU):

Towards continuous sensing of small molecules


09:25 – 09:45 Malthe Hansen-Bruhn, CTO (Medicquant):

From Lab towards Launch: Navigating the Path of In Vitro Diagnostics


09:45 – 10:05 Professor Mingdong Dong (iNANO, AU):

Mechano-sensor for molecule detection


10:05 – 10:35 Coffee in iNANO Foyer

10:35 – 10:55 Jesper Svenning Kristensen, Senior Principal R&D engineer (Medtronic Danmark):

In Vivo Sensing and Value Based Health Care


10:55 – 11:15 Associate Professor Elena Ferapontova (iNANO, AU):

Electrochemical sensing


11:15 – 11:35 Søren Porsgaard, CEO (Sulfilogger):

Robust sensors for hazardous environments


11:35 – 11:55 Professor Jørgen Kjems (iNANO/MBG, AU):

Aptamer sensing, Aptashape sensing and Nanopores


11:55 – 12:15 Christian Code, CTO & Flemming Morsch, CDO (Dianox ApS):

From Digital Design to Practical Problems: AI-Generated Aptamers in Industrial Sensing


12:15 – 13:30 Lunch, networking and posters in iNANO foyer

13:30 – 13:50 Associate Professor Ebbe Sloth Andersen, (iNANO, AU):

RNA origami sensor devices


13:50 – 14:10 Michael R.S. Hansen, Senior Manager, Sensors Core Technology (Grundfos):

Sensor integration. Trends and future needs


14:10 – 14:30 Professor Niels Christian Nielsen, (iNANO/CHEM/NanoNord):

Low-field NMR Sensors for Industrial Process Control


14:30 – 14:35 Presentation of discussion subjects/groups

14:35 – 14:55 Posters, coffee and cake/Networking in iNANO foyer

14:55 – 16:30 Discussion of relevant problems submitted by the participants (focus groups)