Metrology Challenges in the Pharma Industry
En stor udfordring i farma-industrien er at balancere kvalitet og omkostning. Det centrale spørgsmål er: Hvordan sikres det, at målingerne har den rette kvalitet til det tilsigtede formål? Vær med på dette event og få indblik i de udfordringer, der er ved anvendelse af metrologiske principper.
This event is in English
One major challenge in the pharma industry is to balance the quality and the cost. The key question is therefore: How to ensure the proper quality of the measurements for the intended purpose?
Attend this event to achieve insights related to challenges in the pharma industry when applying metrology principles. The above dilemma will be illustrated by cases.
Another challenge is to stay in compliance which is particularly relevant when implementing new technologies in the pharma industry.
Senior Quality Professional at Novo Nordisk, Guanghong Zeng, has been working with these types of challenges for a long time. At this event, he will provide a perspective on the usage and challenges of metrology in the pharma industry and in academia.
Doors will open from 14.30, come early for a coffee and a network chat
- Welcome
by Lotte Munch Lambertsen, senior consultant at Danish Life Science Cluster and Michael Kjær, CEO of Danish National Metrology Institute - Introduction to Danish National Metrology Institute
by Olga Rodenko, Scientist at Danish National Metrology Institute - Keynote speech: Metrology challenges in the pharma industry
by Guanghong Zeng, Senior Quality Professional at Novo Nordisk - Discussion in plenum of metrology challenges in the pharma industry
Arranged by Danish Life Science Cluster and Danish National Metrology Institute.
Photo: Louis Reed, Unsplash