Sustainable Biosolutions Symposium

Er du en del af en SMV eller start-up med ambitioner inden for bio eller farma? Søger du partnere for at få din vision ud over rampen? Nu har du mulighed for at mødes med andre iværksættere og eksperter inden for biosolutions til en dag med fokus på fremtidens løsninger og muligheder for samarbejde og udvikling.

Calling all biosolution start-ups and SMEs! (free and open to all)

Are you a biosolutions start-up or SME with ambitions?

Ever wonder how you get your business connected to a research project to advance your scope and up-scale your production?

Are you a start-up or SME looking for partners to get your vision off the ground?

Are you wondering how to get your idea funded?

This event is like no other event you have participated in! You will be able to connect directly with researchers and industry and your voice will play an important role in driving biosolutions research and collaborative projects.

– Biosolutions is fast becoming a key area of strength and of growth for the Danish economy. Region Zealand, with Biotech City Kalundborg as the epicenter, is on the way to becoming the leading European hub for sustainable, industrial biosolutions. This conference will be the first of many to explore the science and the business ecosystems around biosolutions and food innovation, says Dr. Christian Beenfeldt, Project Director, Knowledge Hub Zealand.

Building Collaborations between Start-ups/SMEs and Researchers

Are you part of a SME or start-up with ambitions? Are you looking for partners to get your vision off the ground? Or are you seeking inspiration to get your idea funded? You have the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs and experts within biosolutions for a day focusing on future solutions and opportunities for collaboration and development.

Don’t miss the chance to participate in the ground-breaking conference where representatives from start-ups, SMEs and Academia meet to discuss the newest technologies, possibilities and barriers. You can be part of the future of biosolutions.

Knowledge Hub Zealand, Danish Life Science Cluster, Greater Copenhagen, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), and Copenhagen University (KU) are hosting the first of its kind Sustainable Biosolutions Symposium – economically funded by Erhvervshus Sjælland.

pil til læs mere Read more and register here