UK accelerator Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp – intro webinar
Kigger du mod det britiske marked – og vil du have seks måneders markedsundersøgelse, netværk og markedsudviklingsstøtte på kun ÈN uge? Så deltag på dette introduktionswebinar for ‘UK accelerator Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp’.
This webinar will be in English
Are you looking towards the UK market and do you want to gain six months’ worth of market research, networking, and market development support in just ONE week? Join the introductory webinar of the Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp accelerator.
What is Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp?
Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp is a tailor-made accelerator program for Nordic-based companies who want to bring their products to the UK healthcare market. The program builds on the success of an accelerator program organized by the Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) since 2019, and gives Nordic innovators access to five days of intensive support, knowledge and engagement with UK healthcare experts.
Agenda (subject to change)
- Introduction – Tim East – Digital Navigator – YHAHSN
- Welcome – Therese Oppegaard, Business Development Manager, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
- Leeds & Local Health Tech Eco System, Neville Young – Enterprise & Innovation Director, YHAHSN
- The Nordic Boot Camp Overview, Tim East – Digital Navigator – YHAHSN
- Q&A Session
- Next Steps
Who can join and what is your benefit?
By joining this first information webinar, you will get:
- input on the program
- the expected value and
- the application process for the Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp accelerator.
Up to 10 companies across the Nordics will benefit from a week of masterclasses, workshops and networking events on topics such as understanding how the NHS works, NHS governance, finance and procurement frameworks, clinical safety and supplier regulations, developing evidence-based proposals and reimbursement models.
After the bootcamp week, Nordic companies will have a solid foundation to create a knowledge-based export strategy for introducing their solution to the UK market. Deep insight of the challenges and opportunities, who the right partners are, who the buyers are and the right market segment.
The Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Danish Life Science Cluster, Business Region Gothenburg and Swecare have joined forces to take lead on this program from the Nordic side.
We are calling all Nordic health tech companies who has a scalable solution that answers to one or more of the NHS list of priorities listed below. By joining this first information webinar, you will get input on the program, the expected value and the application process for the Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp accelerator.
This introductory webinar is arranged by The Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Danish Life Science Cluster, Business Region Gothenburg and Swecare.
Read more about this event here
See this clip from a previous Propel bootcamp for US companies (March 2022)