NGS Tech Network event: Practical applications of long read sequencing using Nanopore and PacBio

Er du nysgerrig på NGS teknologi som er god til at sekventere “long reads” som Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) og Oxford Nanopore Technologies (Nanopore)? Og er en af dine ønsker at se Nanopore sekventering live? Så vær med på dette NGS Tech netværksarrangement.
NB! The event has been moved from 12th of January
(This event is in English)
Are you curious about the NGS Technologies that support long reads such as Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (Nanopore)? And would you like to actually see Nanopore sequencing live? Then join this NGS Tech network event.
Over the last years these technologies and their applications have developed a lot from being difficult to use to being crucial to tackle specific sequencing challenges. Also, while the initial error-rate of the earlier versions of the Nanopore was high, the current models now come to a tie on accuracy with the classic Illumina short-read technology.
Why join this network event?
To get the most resent update on the status of technology, exchange knowledge and discuss challenges on the use of the two long read technologies. The program will contain general and longer introductory talks on each of the two technologies followed by short application-talks.
In between there will be plenty of time for watching Nanopore sequencing live, discussions, and networking.
Join to get to know your fellow national NGS enthusiasts in companies and research institutions and be part of setting the future agenda in the Danish NGS Tech Network.
Read more: The background of the network
Practical applications of long read sequencing using Nanopore and PacBio
Oxford Nanopore Technologies (Nanopore)
- The long and short of it
by Sissel Juul Jensen, Senior Director, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, New York, US - An automated real-time solution for genetic disorders detection and classification
by Chris Kyriakidis, CEO, gMendel, Copenhagen, Denmark - Obtaining high-quality microbial genomes for customized reference databases
by Rasmus D. Wollenberg. CTO, DNASense, Aalborg, Denmark
Pacific Biosciences (PacBio)
- Covering the Whole Genome & Transcriptome. How HiFi sequencing enables the most complete view for genomics
By David Miller, Senior Director, Product Marketing, Pacific Biosciences, California, US - Application of PacBio SMRT-sequencing for microbial cell bank characterization in pharmaceutical development
By Theis M.B. Andersen, Senior Research Scientist, Novo Nordisk, Måløv, Denmark
There will also be a live-demo of sequencing with the ONT MinION (Nanopore) incl. questions By Henrik Kjeldal, CIO, DNASense, Aalborg, Denmark.
This is a hybrid event and therefore possible to participate online in part of the program.
This event is organized by:
- Susanne Trillingsgaard Venø, CEO, Omiics
- Mads Søndergaard, CEO, DNASense
- Lotte Munch Lambertsen, Senior consultant, Danish Life Science Cluster
Join NGS Tech Network event here
Photo: National Cancer Institute/Unsplash